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Minute electrical currents flow continuously throughout the human body. The flow of electricity is essential to the operation of our nervous system. In addition, the liquids, such as blood and other body fluids, which comprise over 60% of our entire body mass, contain electrolytic substances. If the flow of electrical currents within our bodies is impeded for any reason, a variety of physical malfunctions may result. The provision of an appropriate electrical stimulation can revitalize certain functions that our body had originally possessed.
We at Marutaka have implemented our total health plan to provide you with electrotherapy devices that support your well-being.
Within our bodies, a variety of information is constantly being transmitted in the form of electrical signals, via the neural pathways between the brain and the different parts of the body. All of our sensory inputs, including sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, are converted to electrical signals and transmitted to our brain. Pain signals are certainly transmitted, as well. Occasionally, certain of these electrical sensory signals are interrupted, leaving only the pain.
Electrotherapy is a method in which an electrical stimulation is applied transcutaneously to areas of the body, in order to facilitate the unimpeded transmission of the signals within. This therapy can be used to control pain and to rehabilitate motor function.
Pulsed electrical conduction, popularly known as low frequency therapy, can alleviate pain in areas close to the skin, such as in the muscles near the skin’s surface. Another method of electrical conduction is one that utilizes the synthesis of a beat effect, which is derived from two different, high frequency alternating currents. This method of electrical conduction acts strongly on muscles and nerves, deep within large body areas.
By effectively combining these two electrical conduction functions, TENS enhances the metabolism by improving blood circulation and helping the body to discharge waste materials from its muscles. TENS is also effective for treating nerves, sore shoulders, peripheral nerve paralysis, fatigue, muscle aches and poor blood circulation.
Ultrashort wave therapy works directly on human cells, by demonstrating hyperthermic effects inside the body. Marutaka's home ultrashort wave therapy device employs short wavelength electric waves (frequency of 27.12 MHz) that change polarity 27.12 million times each second. When these electric waves penetrate your body, they induce a resonance within the cells, thus producing frictional heat.
This hyperthermic effect efficiently supplies warmth deep within your body, to the organs and muscles / joints, thus causing the expansion of capillaries. This expansion improves blood circulation, easing fatigue, stiff muscles and neuralgia. The beneficial effects also assist in revitalizing bowel function.
People today commonly suffer from excessive burdens on their autonomic nervous systems, due to imbalances caused by a combination of stress, overwork and lack of sleep. In electric potential therapy, the application of a high voltage to an electrically-insulated human body creates a surrounding electric field, which provides a bounty of favorable effects (biological / electrical effects), including relief for sore shoulders and the alleviation of ailments that are not under your own control, such as insomnia, chronic constipation and headaches.
This therapy utilizes a high electric potential of several thousand volts, with a polarity that continually alternates between positive and negative, at a rate of 50 - 60 times each second. However, as our bodies feel almost no sensation while these high electric potentials are being applied, we are able to receive treatment even while we sleep.

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